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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [serialization] Problems with serializingashared_ptr
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-17 16:09:50

dfs_at_[hidden] wrote:
> In message <hdt8vh$66b$1_at_[hidden]>, "Robert Ramey" writes:
>> I'm pretty sure I addressed this in 1.41

Robert Ramey

> the fix, report back, and possibly improve on the fix if required and
> submit a patch via the issue tracking system. By the same token, when
> users report a problem, it would be extremely helpful if they were to
> post a concise self-contained compilable example that reproduces the
> problem so that both the library maintainer and other users can
> readily understand and isolate the issue as well as verify any
> proposed fixes.
> If this is already happening via the issue tracking system, then I
> apologize for restating the obvious. I'm simply finding it very
> difficult to determine which Boost.Serialization problems being
> reported on the mailing list are real or imagined.

Well, it's not always easy for me either. The tracking system has
worked well for me and I make an effort address issues reported there.

> Since I cannot reproduce either reported problem, I have to assume
> the problems are either compiler-specific or caused by operator error
> until shown otherwise.

Looks like I may have been able to reproduce the problem here. I'll
let you know.

Robert Ramey

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