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Subject: [Boost-users] boost::variant and SFINAE
From: Jonathan Chambers` (chamber_j_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-03 08:15:14

I'm using boost::variant in the following manner



struct Visitor : boost::static_visitor<>


    void operator()(int &i) const


        i = 1;




boost::variant<int, char> var = 0;


boost::apply_visitor(Visitor(), 0);



I'm trying to get the program to compile if the variant takes on the guise of an int (because I've implemented void operator()(int &i) const, but not compile if I make the variant take the guise of a char e.g. boost::variant<int, char> var = 'a'; because I've not implemented the void operator()(char &c) const


Can anyone think of a way of doing this, maybe using SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error)


I'm thinking of doing something along the lines of :


template <typename T>

struct SetObj;


template <>

struct SetObj<int>


     void operator()(int &obj) const


           obj = 1;




struct Visitor : boost::static_visitor<>


     template <typename T>

     void operator()(T& obj) const






But not sure how to take it to the next level to get the desired behaviour.
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