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Subject: [Boost-users] [Serialization] How to serialize third party library function
From: elizabeta petreska (elizabeta.petreska_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-04 08:11:10


First all, sorry for my long post, and I hope I will be clear with the

In my project I have a lot of classes, which I plan to serialize with boost
serialization library.

Most of my classes have as members third party library classes. The thing is
that the third party library classes are very complex and I can't serialize
them directly in the standard way i.e I can't say this :

   template<class Arhive,class MyThirdPartyClass>
   void serialize(Archive& ar, MyThirdPartyClass& t, const unsigned int
      ar & t.meber1;
      ar & t.member2;

MyThirdparty library classes all provide their own method for serialization
( storing in custom archive and reading from the archive), so I was thinking
to do this :

namespace boost
    namespace serialization
         template<class Archive>
         inline void save(Archive & ar, const CustomClass& t, const unsigned
int version)
                 /// save t to the custom archive here .

         template<class Archive>
         inline void load(Archive & ar, CustomClass& t, const unsigned int
                ////// read data from archive and assign to t

Now when I do the following :

// save data
CustomClass* cc=new CustomClass(.....);
outarchive & cc;

/// later on read
CustomClass * rcc=0;
inarchive & rcc;

delete rcc; /// (*) crash here. delete is operator implemented in my

I notice that the crash maybe has to do something with that, that my
CustomClass implements its own new and delete operators.

I know that the default implementation of load_construct data uses operator
placement ::new ( global new operator ) to allocate object when loading
through pointer, and I am deleting the object above ( * ) with its specific
class delete operator. To avoid the mismatch I did this :

template<class Archive>
        inline void load_construct_data(Archive & ar, CustomClass * t,
const unsigned int file_version)
            new (t) CustomClass; // notice that this is the custom class
operator , not :: new

In my suprise (*) is still crashing. Why ?

Also I notice that if in load_construct data I am using the global new
operator, and when deleting the global ::delete ( i.e :: delete rcc)
operator there is no problem at all. But this is not solution, cause I want
my CustomClass to use their own specific operators new and delete.

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