Boost Users : |
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [phoenix] Staus of phoenix
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-18 10:34:45
Eric Niebler wrote:
> Edward Diener wrote:
>> Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>>>> Is phoenix an official Boost library ? I do not see it listed among the
>>>> Boost libraries for 1.40 or 1.41 although I do see it in the pdf
>>>> documentation for Boost libraries put together by John Maddock.
>>> Phoenix is an official Boost library (see:
>>> http://lists.boost.org/boost-announce/2008/10/0205.php). AFAIK it's
>>> being
>>> currently rewritten before it gets added as a full citizen to the
>>> Boost SVN.
>>> For now please use Phoenix V2 which is located under the Spirit
>>> directory.
>> If Phoenix is an official Boost library should not its documentation
>> be listed in the libraries page of a Boost distribution ? Otherwise
>> there is no indication it even exists, except for an occasional
>> mention in the Spirit docs. That can not be a good thing either for
>> end-user's or the Phoenix developers.
> IIRC, Phoenix was reviewed and accepted on the condition that it be
> reimplemented on top of Proto. That hasn't happened yet, and so Phoenix
> has not been merged to trunk. The old version of Phoenix still exists as
> a part Spirit.
OK, so Phoenix is not an official Boost library yet. That at least
explains why there is no trace of its documentation in Boost.
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