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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [Proto] Processing Lists
From: David A. Greene (greened_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-02-25 00:15:10

On Tuesday 23 February 2010 03:02:32 Eric Niebler wrote:

> You were SO close. You want proto::functional::flatten here (the type of
> a function object), not proto::flatten (an ordinary function).

Bah! Foiled again! :)

> > how do I talk about the vararg<> part in a semantic action?
> > CalculatorGrammar has a use of vararg but it uses fold<> to process it.
> > I don't want to fold a sequence, I want to pass it to a transform.
> Manjunath already answered this one. Proto expressions already are
> fusion sequences, and proto::_expr returns the current is, expression. You
> can use proto::functional::pop_front in a transform to pop off the first
> bit (the thing that matches X in your example) and pass the result to
> something that accepts fusion sequences.

I tried this, but the manual says _expr returns the unmodified expression.
Is there some way to send this through a transform to get the transformed

For example, for a call operator:

Name(Item, Item, Item)

I want to get a sequence of the objects returned by processing the Items.
In my case I am creating IR symbols, so it would be a sequence of pointers.
Each Item is a proto expression that is married to a transform that returns
an IR symbol for it.

Originally I was going to run a fold<> that returned a std::vector<> of
pointers to IR symbols but that seems inefficient and messy. I think it would
be better to simply take the transformed results as they are, if it's
possible. I'm just learning Fusion and it's a bit confusing as to where the
compile-time ends and the run-time starts.

I think I probably want to use transform_view, but I'm not sure what
kind of function object to give it.

I've attached a rather complex testcase to show what I'm attempting to do.
I don't claim it's bug-free because I haven't yet got it to compile.
I'm sure there's a lot of work to do to fix it. I'm attaching it because it's
difficult to describe this in English. :)

A function object for transform_view<> should implement something
like ConstructUnary/BinarySymbol but there's no way to know what
expression nodes are in the sequence and thus which function object
should be use (Unary or Binary).

I know you're going to tell me something obvious that looks trivial
in retrospect. :)

The #if 0'd code is the way I'd like to specify the grammar (i.e. without
the FunctionTypeWithArgs / FunctionTypeWithoutArgs separation but when
I do that I get a compiler error about a reference to void. Probably because
I'm sending a null sequence to ConstructBinarySymbol. Any improvements
to be had here?

BTW, what's the difference between proto::_ and proto::_expr, as
pop_front(_) vs. pop_front(_expr)? From what I can tell the manual
gives essentially the same short description for both.


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