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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] custom allocators, pool_alloc release_memory() seems to be broken
From: B Hart (bhartsb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-18 19:26:40

Thanks! I'll enter the ticket soon.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Steven Watanabe <watanabesj_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> B Hart wrote:
>> So, I see likewise that 20 is the number per uint...I guess I missed
>> it earlier.  So, once I determine that I guess I can safely use 20?
> Well, if you don't care about portability it's safe.
> I only tried it msvc, I haven't tried any other std lib
> implementation.
>> Another question:  If I don't release but the set is destroyed then
>> that pool's memory will get re-used if I create another set?  I assume
>> yes, but confirming.
> Yes.
>> A comment: I strongly encourage whoever keeps up the documentation put
>> in some additional notes about this behavior, and update the author's
>> contact e-mail.
> I don't think anyone's keeping up the documentation now.
> If you create a trac ticket at, I'll take care of
> it eventually.
>> It is difficult when it is new and one already has
>> one's own code to deal with...e.g. while trying to figure this out I
>> had another issue with MSVS 2008 not showing local variables in the
>> debugger under Windows 7 64-bit.  The VS issue only reared it's ugly
>> head in my pool_alloc test program.  And running into multiple issues
>> at once is typical in my experience.
> In Christ,
> Steven Watanabe
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