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Subject: [Boost-users] [fusion] deduce type of resulting vector from a transformation
From: alfC (alfredo.correa_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-10 06:02:02


 (I keep struggling with Boos.Fusion.)

 How do I deduce the type of the vector resulting from the
transformation of another vector?

I have a source vector of different types, e.g.
vector<quantity<si::length>, quantity<si::mass>, quantity<si::time>

and I have a transformation that is well defined and returns another
type depending on the original type.
The question is how do I generate a vector type that is the result of
the given transformation. I though that
result_of::transform was the function to obtain the result but it
turns not because it returns a type transform_view instead of a

vector< ... > v1;
T? v2(transform(v1, transformation()));

i.e. what is the type of T as a fusion::vector as deduced from the
type of v1 and the transformation type? -- Thank you, Alfredo--

Below is the illustrative code:

#include <boost/fusion/container.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/transformation/zip.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp>
using std::clog; using std::endl;

using namespace boost::fusion;
using namespace boost::units;

// this is the transformation
struct divide{
        template <typename SignatureT> struct result;
        template<class Q>
        struct result<divide(Q const&)>{
                typedef typename divide_typeof_helper<Q, quantity<si::time> >::type
        template<typename Q>
        typename result<divide(Q const&)>::type
                operator()(Q const& q) const
                return q/quantity<si::time>(1.*si::second);

int main(){
        source_type v1(1.*si::meter, 2.*si::kilogram, 3.*si::second);
        clog << "v1: " << at_c<0>(v1) << ", "<< at_c<1>(v1) << ", " <<
at_c<2>(v1) << endl;

        // how can I deduce the result_type from the type "divide"?
        // here manually defined
                        divide_typeof_helper<quantity<si::length>, quantity<si::time>
                        divide_typeof_helper<quantity<si::mass>, quantity<si::time>
                        divide_typeof_helper<quantity<si::time>, quantity<si::time> >::type
> result_type

        result_type v2(
                boost::fusion::transform(v1, divide() )

        clog << "v2: " << at_c<0>(v2) << ", "<< at_c<1>(v2) << ", " <<
at_c<2>(v2) << endl;

        return 0;

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