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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] What's so cool about Boost.MPI?
From: Patrick Horgan (phorgan1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-24 16:09:01

On 10/19/2010 05:59 AM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
> On 18/10/10 23:41, David Abrahams wrote:
>> Just wanted to call some attention to this article I
>> wrote about
>> Boost.MPI:
>> I think it might be useful to link that from the
>> Boost.MPI docs, too.
> While the library seems nice (it bridges
> serialization with MPI), I don't really see anything
> in there that makes me think it's "so cool".
> So after reading it, I felt a bit like the question
> "What's so cool about Boost.MPI?" remained unanswered.
I didn't feel that way! I got that what was so cool,
is that MPI, while VERY cool in itself is a bit of a
pain to use with data structures, and if you change the
data structure you have to go through the pain all over
again. Then comes Captain Caveman! JK Boost.MPI to
the rescue and automates all that, so that 1) you don't
have the pain of getting MPI to work with your data
structures and 2) you don't have the pain of having
someone later change the data structure and everything
breaks and someone has to figure out why. Then, to add
meta-coolness (aka elegance), it does it in an optimal
way. Sick!


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