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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] boost.type_traits - is_convertible issue withalignedtypes
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-18 13:24:53

>> It's more a limitation of the current design - if the "To" template
>> parameter is a type which can not be used as a function parameter (which
>> is
>> the case here)
> It cannot be passed by value, but i'm quite confident that it could be
> passed by (const) reference.

OK, but I'm not sure if that change would break the implementation or not...
will investigate.

>> Switching to the implementation to use the __is_convertible builtin fixes
>> this issue BTW, but unfortunately causes other issue...
> Are you talking about switching the library implementation,

Yes, I'm talking about switching the implementation - it's probably
something we should do at some point, but it means a breaking change from
TR1/Boost behaviour to C++0x behaviour.


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