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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Building 64-bit with Visual Studio 2010
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-17 01:34:34

Greg Hickman wrote:

> I can start a 32-bit VS command line and build boost_1_45_0, but the 64-bit
> command line build fails and I can't tell why. I'm running VS 2010 Ultimate
> on Windows 7 Professional, and here's the boost-build invocation I'm using:
> \.bjam -j 4 *^*
> More? *--build-dir=*"c:\temp" *^*
> More? *--build-type=complete* *msvc-10.0* architecture=x86 address-model=64
> stage64

What are those funny characters all over? In particular, stars?

> ...but I can't tell what is going wrong looking at the output. Can anyone
> suggest how to ascertain the problem? Perhaps a particular switch to see
> wha'ts failing?

What do you mean by "64-bit command line build fails". If you get a compile
error, could you post it? If you get some other issue, can you specify
what the issue is.

- Volodya

Vladimir Prus
Mentor Graphics
+7 (812) 677-68-40

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