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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] OSX Framework
From: Kraus Philipp (philipp.kraus_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-11 14:34:58

Thanks Steven, I have build it and some parts are working, but at the moment I get errors with the headers.

My steps:

1. build complete boost with and its b2
2. compile bcp
3. extract each packages like math, iostreams, ... with bcp and create the OSX framework directory structure
(documentation are here )

But I don't know how I can create the header-only parts to the framework and the correct include structures


Am 11.12.2011 um 20:21 schrieb Steven Watanabe:

> On 12/11/2011 03:34 AM, Kraus Philipp wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using Boost for a long time and create my package with bjam. Is there an option to create an OSX framework? OSX can handle libraries and headers in a special directory structure under eg /Library/Framework, can I build this structure with bjam or should I create it myself?
> Boost.Build doesn't have any specific support
> for it. You should be able to create any
> directory structure you want using the
> install rule, though.
> In Christ,
> Steven Watanabe
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