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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] shared_ptr to object in stl set container?
From: Nathan Ridge (zeratul976_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-13 05:06:10

> Your operators are likely not being called because they are of the
> incorrect signature. The type of a member equality operator should be
> as shown:
> struct Foo
> {
> bool operator==(const Foo& f) const;
> // this is the incorrect equivalent of your operator
> // bool operator==(Foo f);
> }
> The const parameter is the correct way to do it, but it is most likely
> the method not being const that prevents your operators from being
> invoked.

Actually, the reason the operator< is not being invoked is because
the way it's defined, it compares a Node object to a NodePtr:

class Node
  bool operator<(NodePtr otherNode) {
    return (id < otherNode->id);

What you want is an operator< that compares a NodePtr to a NodePtr,
because this is what set<NodePtr>::find() will call. This needs to be
defined as a non-member function:

bool operator<(NodePtr a, NodePtr b)
    return a->getID() < b->getID();

Having said that, Rob is right that using ptr_container is a better approach.


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