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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] embedding
From: Brian Budge (brian.budge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-03-01 09:14:39

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 5:29 AM, Anders Wallin
<anders.e.e.wallin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> As these graphs are  always embedded, that is as there
>> is a circular order of edges we introduced a HalfedgeGraph
>> concept
>> where one has global functions in order to walk along
>> the border of a face, and go from an outgoing
>> edge via the opposite incoming edge to a neighbor
>> face.
> FWIW I would certainly use a light-weight, header-only, generic
> half-edge data structure which would provide vertices, edges, faces,
> as well as the appropriate iterators etc.
> I've hacked together something myself over here:
> however that code is not in the style of boost-libraries, and makes
> some assumptions on the template parameters TEdgeProperties and
> TFaceProperties (these could/should be concept-checked I guess).
> I'm always adding Faces to the graph and never deleting Faces, so I
> haven't provided a function for deleting Faces. The face-container is
> hard-coded to std::vector (and thus face_descriptor is unsigned int).
> In addition to CGAL there's also GTS ( and
> OpenMesh ( which provide similar
> functionality. All of these seem to be under slightly different not
> necessarily compatible licenses!
> Anders
> _______________________________________________
> Boost-users mailing list
> Boost-users_at_[hidden]

This sounds interesting to me too. I've used openmesh in the past and
it worked fairly well for me, but I'd like to see something in boost.


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