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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Boost installation inquiry
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-28 23:47:44


On 10/28/2012 06:18 PM, mega deth wrote:
> <snip>
> g++ I- /root/boost/ /root/bin/repos/c-projects/c++/C++Projects/Boost/testLinkToBoostLib.cpp -o example \
>> ~/boost/stage/lib/libboost_
> libboost_chrono.a libboost_regex.a
> <snip>
> Finally this is my issue:
> When I try to compile the test regex code with boost, I am unable to find the correct library to include. I fear that because I have this issue, that my thread library is not built as well. Is there a way to check? Can you provide what worked for you to install boost on your linux machine.
> c++ -I path/to/boost_1_51_0 example.cpp -o example \ ~/boost/stage/lib/libboost_regex-gcc34-mt-d-1_36.a
> I am unable to find or even create this:
> libboost_regex-gcc34-mt-d-1_36.a
> If you have any advise or direction please let me know. Thank you! There was some talk about checking the configuration of the user-config.jam if there are linker or compile issues. But I do not think those
> could be the issues at the moment.

Use libboost_regex.a. If you want the mangled names
you need to pass --layout=versioned to b2.


b2 --layout=versioned --with-regex debug threading=multi link=static

> Thank you in advance for looking at my issue!

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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