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Subject: [Boost-users] Boost::Asio help for viewer
From: Gonzalo Garramuno (ggarra13_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-11-08 18:08:04

I am designing a viewer that communicates via the network some actions,
like playback, scrubbing, etc.
I decided to code it with boost::asio, but I am too unfamiliar with it
and the examples did not help much.
What I need is the following:

- server starts a group
- one client connects to server
- server and client do several handshake transmissions to sync (same
movie file, etc).
- client or server perform a playback or a seek to certain frame and the
other (client or server) follows.

Can someone suggest what should I use and what steps to take in draft
form? Currently I have two threads one for the server and one for the
client but lack knowledge of the asio api on how to perform a handshake
(a send/receive pair, basically).

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