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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Can boost help me organize/parse lots of binary data?
From: Chris Stankevitz (chrisstankevitz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-02-20 20:21:55

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Richard
<legalize+jeeves_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Boost.Spirit.Qi to parse the stream into data structures
> Boost.Spirit.Karma to emit the necessary output from the data structures


Thank you. I am unfamiliar with Spirit and Karma. Your comment not
only introduced me to them but highlighted just how vague my question
was. I was thinking less about the actual decoding (who would have
known based on what I wrote) and more on how I would "generically" and
"extensibly" handle the many fields I am about to receive.

For example, consider the following horrible code. Is there a "boost"
way to do this kind of thing... (perhaps Spirit/Karma is the answer
and I am just more out of touch than I imagine):

Good things about the classes below:
It is easy to add a new parameter. Just push one onto the back of
The class EmployeePacket doesn't have hundreds of data members such as
"string name_, int age_"

Bad things about the classes below:
Extracting data from the EmployeePacket requires hideous dynamic_casts
and hard-coded vector indices

Thank you again for your comments/criticisms/suggestions,



 class EmployeePacket
    std::vector<Item*> Items;

      Items.push_back(new String("name", "John Doe"));
      Items.push_back(new Double("salary", "USD", 1, 1));

    void Decode(istream& Stream)
      for (auto pItem : Items) pItem->Decode(Stream)

    double GetSalary()
      return dynamic_cast<Double*>(Items[1])->value;

class Item
  virtual void Decode(istream& Stream) = 0;

class Double : public Item
  string name;
  string units;
// double decode_conversion_scale;
// double decode_conversion_translate;
// unsigned number_of_bits_used_to_encode
// double scale_factor
  double value;
  void Decode(istream& Stream)
   {, 8);
    value = value * decode_conversion_scale + decode_conversion_translate;

  class String : public Item
    string name;
    string value;
    void Decode(istream& Stream);

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