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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Boost.Function compile error
From: gast128 (gast128_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-03-07 06:19:14

On 3/7/2013 10:29 AM, Igor R wrote:
>> Thx, I was aware of Scott Meyers item (stumbled upon that already in the
>> past), but here it can't be seen as a function since 'id' is not a type but
>> a variable. The compiler also see 'id' not as a function but as a variable
>> declaration of 'Bla'. Is that because u can also declare a variable like
>> this:
>> int (i) = 0;
>> and why is that allowed?
> It's because the compiler threats
> Bla(id);
> as:
> Bla id;
> as you can see from the errors (MSVC10):
> error C2371: 'id' : redefinition; different basic types
> error C2512: 'Bla' : no appropriate default constructor available

Yes but which (obscure) c++ rule allows this. My day to day c++
knowledge says that () is only used for macro invocations, function
declarations, function call's and cast operators and none of them seems
to be applicable here.

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