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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] boost::optional with BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ADT broken?
From: Agustín K-ballo Bergé (kaballo86_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-27 09:03:43

On 27/02/2014 10:21 a.m., Andrew wrote:
> There's an issue using get expressions returning optionals with
> BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ADT, demonstrated in the simplest case below.
> Optional<T> is trying initialize its internal T object using the
> attribute proxy object returned by fusion, but this can only degrade
> to optional<T> and not T, so the assignment fails.
> K-Ballo, took a quick look at this in #boost and seemed to suggest
> it's the way op= is SFINAEd up for optional.

Optional's assignment operator is not SFINAEd at all. If it were, it
might allow fusion to get away with its implicitly convertible attribute

The fundamental problem is that fusion lies about adapted ADTs, since
those are sequences of proxies instead of sequences of whatever you
asked for. Fusion could do better to support its own proxies by adding
explicit conversions wherever those conversions are expected to happen
implicitly now. But that's not a general solution, and I don't think
there is one besides documenting that adapted ADTs are not quite sequences.


Agustín K-ballo Bergé.-

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