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Subject: [Boost-users] Boost.Coroutine with segmentation fault
From: Van Pers (vanpersvan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-06-27 14:11:09

Hi all, I am writting a code with Coroutines lib, this code uses coroutines in a recursive way but when I create a large number of coroutines the program crashes (segmentation fault). I write a simplified version that reproduces this error: #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<boost/coroutine/all.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> class FClass{     private:         int n;     public:         boost::coroutines::coroutine<void>::pull_type* startResume;         FClass(int n) : n(n){             startResume = NULL;         }         void resume(){             if(startResume && *(startResume))                 (*(startResume))();         }         void doSomething ( boost::coroutines::coroutine< void >::push_type & fPause){             if (n > 2){                 FClass* tc1 = new FClass(--n);                 tc1->startResume = new boost::coroutines::coroutine<void>::pull_type( boost::bind( &FClass::doSomething, tc1, _1)  );                 FClass* tc2 = new FClass(--n);                 tc2->startResume = new boost::coroutines::coroutine<void>::pull_type( boost::bind( &FClass::doSomething, tc2, _1)  );                 fPause();                 tc1->resume();                 tc2->resume();             }             return;         } }; int main(int argc, char** argv){     int max = 10;     if (argc > 1){         max = atoi(argv[1]);     }     FClass* firstObject = new FClass (max)  ;     firstObject->startResume = new boost::coroutines::coroutine<void>::pull_type( boost::bind(&FClass::doSomething, firstObject, _1)  );     firstObject->resume(); } gdb output reports:"memset () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/memset.S:78  ../sysdeps/x86_64/memset.S:No such file or directory." Anybody can help me? Regards, Van

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