Dear all,
I changed the example jump.cpp from Context library to use a class, with fcontext_t as an attribute. I wrote the code below, but I can't compile it because there is an error in the use of boost::bind.
What can be happening?
Modified jump.cpp:
namespace ctx = boost::context;
typedef ctx::simple_stack_allocator<
8 * 1024 * 1024, // 8MB
64 * 1024, // 64kB
8 * 1024 // 8kB
> stack_allocator;
struct FooClass{
ctx::fcontext_t fcm;
ctx::fcontext_t fc1;
void f1( intptr_t)
std::cout << "f1: entered" << std::endl;
ctx::jump_fcontext( & fc1, fcm, 0, false);
int main( int argc, char * argv[])
FooClass* foo = new FooClass();
stack_allocator alloc;
void * base1 = alloc.allocate( stack_allocator::default_stacksize());
foo->fc1 = ctx::make_fcontext( base1, stack_allocator::default_stacksize(), boost::bind(&FooClass::f1, foo, _1 ));
std::cout << "main: call start_fcontext( & fcm, fc1, 0)" << std::endl;
ctx::jump_fcontext( & foo->fcm, foo->fc1, 0, false);
std::cout << "main: done" << std::endl;