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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [boost] Boost.Fiber mini-review September 4-13
From: Hartmut Kaiser (hartmut.kaiser_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-09-05 11:31:59

> > Oliver, do you mind providing the rationale for why fiber migration has
> been
> > dropped or point me to the section in the docs discussing this?
> ale.migrating_fibers_between_threads

I'm quoting from the link you gave:

Support for migrating fibers between threads was removed. Especially in the
case of NUMA-architectures, it is not always advisable to migrate data
between threads. Suppose fiber f is running on logical CPU cpu0 which
belongs to NUMA node node0. The data of f are allocated on the physical
memory located at node0. Migrating the fiber from cpu0 to another logical
CPU cpuX which is part of a different NUMA node nodeX will reduce the
performance of the application because of increased latency of memory

A more important aspect is the problem with thread-local-storage (TLS).
Instead of recomputing the address of a TLS variable, a compiler might, as
an optimization, cache its previously-computed address in various function
stack frames.[2] If a fiber was running on thread t0 and then migrated to
thread t1, the cached TLS variable address(es) would continue pointing to
the TLS for thread t0. Bad things would ensue.

Hmmm, this is not what I would have expected, frankly. One of the main
advantages of Fibers are their low creation/context switching/termination
overhead. I would have expected for Fibers to be freely movable between
kernel-threads (work-stealing!), even more so as you expose an interface
conforming std::thread... If Fibers look like threads, they should behave

I think that it is too over-constraining to inhibit moving Fibers between
kernel-threads just to maintain NUMA awareness (not all architectures have
those in the first place). The decision whether to move a Fiber or not
should be entirely left to a scheduler/executor (which could confine a Fiber
to a NUMA domain, for instance, if needed).

Also, it should be made very clear that the use of Fibers has certain
implications on using TLS (in short - don't use TLS, but FLS instead). Thus
the fact whether compilers cache the TLS or not is mostly irrelevant.

Regards Hartmut

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