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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [mpl] [msm] wrong number of template arguments (120, should be at least 0)
From: Richard Hodges (hodges.r_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-07-27 06:52:57

Oh great, you’ve started a modern upgrade to MSM! I was just about to do the same as I am becoming frustrated with the antiquity of MSM (non-moveable events, no variadics, difficulties with posting events back to the machine and so on).

I’ll follow this with interest.

> On 9 Jul 2017, at 23:37, Deniz Bahadir via Boost-users <boost-users_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Am 07.07.2017 um 16:57 schrieb Alessandro Marzialetti via Boost-users:
>> Hello,
>> I'm working on a msm with a big transition table (120 elements)
> This probably needs a lot of RAM when compiling... That is the reason why I am currently switching from Boost.MSM to (to-be-proposed-)Boost.SML. (You can find it at:
>> I already tried with
>> then
>> #define BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_LIST_SIZE <custom value>
>> But I can't go over a size of 50 (including "boost/mpl/vector/vector50.hpp")
>> Any idea on how I can make a bigger table?
> You must increase the size of the pre-processed mpl::vectors.
> For that there exists a python-script in "libs/mpl/preprocessed". It is called "".
> Calling that script with the "--help" command should give you some hints on how to call it.
> You probably need to call it like this:
> python --num-elements 120
> Possibly, it would be enough to only increase the size of preprocessed mpl::vector. Then you could use the additional options "--no-list", "--no-set" and "--no-map" and thereby leave the size of the preprocessed mpl::list, mpl::set and mpl::map as is.
> For further background-information you might find this StackOverflow entry, and the conversation on the boost-mailing-list interesting:
>> Thanks,
>> Alessandro
>> <>
> Hope that helps,
> Deniz
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