Boost Users : |
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Boost.Test BOOST_TEST/BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE message arg problems
From: Olaf Peter (ope-devel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-07-23 17:28:09
>> How to get this?
> What about :
> 1- using test-case fixtures for writing things at the end of the test
> 2- registering an observer for getting the failure signal?
> The observer is (kind of) described here:
> https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/master/libs/test/doc/html/boost/unit_test/framework/register_observer.html
> You may install and remove it globally by using a global fixture:
> https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/master/libs/test/doc/html/boost_test/utf_reference/test_org_reference/test_org_boost_test_global_fixture.html
> Once registered, it will capture the events that you want, especially
> the failure cases.
> From the observer, you can get the current test cases with this
> https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/master/libs/test/doc/html/boost/unit_test/framework/current_test_case.html
OK, my test_observer_fixture with overloads is ready:
class test_observer_fixture
   struct test_observer : public utf::test_observer
      virtual void test_unit_aborted(utf::test_unit const& tu) override;
      virtual void assertion_result(utf::assertion_result result)
      // are the others required for my use case?
   test_observer                           observer;
   void setup();
   void teardown();
and get called by my BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE. What is the prefered way to
use this Fixture to save the test result in case of failure/abort?
   utf_data::make_delayed<testsuite::dataset_loader>( "test_case/wave" ),
   input, expected, orig_file_name)
   auto [parse_ok, parse_result] = parse(input, parser, test_case_name);
   BOOST_TEST(parse_result == expected, btt::per_element());
      ??? my_diagnostic_saving .... (orig_file_name, input, parse_result);
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