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From: Max D (vdrummermax_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-28 20:38:16

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to integrate the manual chunked encoding example [0] into the
sync-server example [1] and have difficulties understanding a compiler
error. I thought I might find some help in this mailing list.

Here's my diff to the original example:

@@ -151,6 +151,22 @@ handle_request(
         req.method() != http::verb::head)
         return send(bad_request("Unknown HTTP-method"));

+ if ("/chunked") == 0) {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> data;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ data.push_back(0x00);
+ }
+ net::const_buffer buf {, 10};
+ send.send_chunk_headers();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ send.send_chunk(buf);
+ }
+ send.send_last_chunk();
+ }
     // Request path must be absolute and not contain "..".
     if( ||[0] != '/' ||
@@ -243,6 +259,29 @@ struct send_lambda
         http::serializer<isRequest, Body, Fields> sr{msg};
         http::write(stream_, sr, ec_);
+ void
+ send_chunk_headers()
+ {
+ http::response<http::empty_body> res {http::status::ok, 11};
+ res.set(http::field::server, "Beast");
+ res.chunked(true);
+ http::response_serializer<http::empty_body> sr{res};
+ http::write_header(stream_, sr);
+ }
+ void
+ send_last_chunk()
+ {
+ http::write(stream_, http::make_chunk_last());
+ }
+ void
+ send_chunk(net::const_buffer buf) const
+ {
+ http::write(stream_, http::make_chunk(buf));
+ }

 // Handles an HTTP server connection

I'm passing a TCP socket as well as the result of http::make_chunk() with a
net::const_buffer to http::write() which, if I understand correctly, is the
same thing that is done in the example.
However, I'm getting the following error when compiling:

.../server-sync/src/beast.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void
send_lambda<Stream>::send_chunk(boost::asio::const_buffer) const [with
Stream = boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp>]’:
.../server-sync/src/beast.cpp:164:28: required from ‘void
handle_request(boost::beast::string_view, boost::beast::http::request<Body,
boost::beast::http::basic_fields<Allocator> >&&, Send&&) [with B
ody = boost::beast::http::basic_string_body<char>; Allocator =
std::allocator<char>; Send =
send_lambda<boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp> >&;
boost::beast::string_view = boost::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<
char> >; boost::beast::http::request<Body,
boost::beast::http::basic_fields<Allocator> > =
boost::beast::http::basic_fields<std::allocator<char> > >]’
.../server-sync/src/beast.cpp:313:57: required from here
.../server-sync/src/beast.cpp:283:20: error: no matching function for call
to ‘write(boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp>&,
  283 | http::write(stream_, http::make_chunk(buf));
      | ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The same thing happens for the send_last_chunk() call.

Why isn't the call to write() working? Did I misunderstand something in the

I'm using boost 1.71 and am compiling with GCC 10.3.0.
Let me know if you need any more details.

Thanks in advance for any help


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