Hi. Any help would be appreciated, and I still think the documentation should mention how to get the type of the bundled properties. You're absolutely correct. I've just added the aforementioned traits with some documentation for them (within the description of bundled properties). I guess all of this is in the CVS, of course... I wondered also if there was a way to download all of the boost documentation (HTML format) for offline browsing, rather than going to the web site every time (maybe this is intentionalk though). I mean, a way different than downloading the CVS documentation. I have yet a new question: is it possible to have, as a bundled property, references to objects and not just the object themselves ? IE, 7674,0F0D,504Etypedef adjacency_list< Graph; works, but I can't manage to have: 7673,0F0C,504Dtypedef adjacency_list< Graph; (A pointer, though, is ok as I have noted on one of my earlier mails). I have noted, though, that function such as Courieradd_vertex(const VertexProperties& p, adjacency_list& g) do take a reference to a VertexProperties. So should I assume that if I construct my graph in this way (via use of add_vertex, etc...) my bundled properties will just be references, ie, no copy construction will occur ( and after running my graph algorithms, the modifications on the bundled properties will still be accessible)? Jean-Noël