Hello *,

I currently need to implement the following use case and was wondering if this is possible with multi-index:

I have a class, for simplicity all members are public wihtout accessors and mutators:
class entry
   field              x;
   field              y;
   filed              z;

I need a multi-index index to remember the order in which the elements were inserted and non uniquely index the inserted elements by hash of field x;

Now a client could do the following queries:

- get all entries in the order they were inserted (this is easy and I know how to do it)
- get all entries which satisfy field x parameter in the order they were inserted. I know that I can retrieve the values dependent on hash(x), but these are probably not sorted. I know that I can project iterators, but can I project (range_retireved_via_hashed_X) to (range_retrieved_for_sequence_of_X)

May be I miss smth here or should split my data in some other way to satisfy this condition.

With Kind Regards,
Ovanes Markarian