<DIV>Hi all,</DIV>
<DIV>I'm developing a hardware test program with some class abstractions like resistor, diode, relay ... which I stick to the BGL graph structure in the edge properties. I so have some information associated&nbsp;with vertices, and the result is a set of data composed of the graph itself - an ajacency_list - the graph properties for edges and vertices and a couple of vectors for the abstractions. My problem is how can I manage all these data in an OO program. The method used in BGL examples (just declare all these in main ) is right just for that, but in a more complex object colaboration society I&nbsp;consider it to be&nbsp;simple and useless. I just use a class named GraphContainer to package all the elements, but I wonder if there is any other better aproach...</DIV>
<DIV>class GraphContainer{<BR>&nbsp;int nVertices;<BR>public:</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; UGraph g;&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; property_map&lt;UGraph, vertex_index_t&gt;::type id;</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; property_map&lt;UGraph, edge_name_t&gt;::type name;</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; property_map&lt;UGraph, vertex_name_t&gt;::type vname;</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; std::map&lt;string,boost::graph_traits&lt;UGraph&gt;::vertex_descriptor&gt; vertx; // mapa vertices(string)--vertex_descriptor</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; vector&lt;Lampara&gt; Lamparas;<BR>&nbsp; vector&lt;Diodo&gt; Diodos;<BR>&nbsp; vector&lt;Switch&gt; Switches;<BR>&nbsp; vector&lt;Resistencia&gt; Resistencias;<BR>&nbsp; vector&lt;Bobina&gt; Bobinas;<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // ----------&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; GraphContainer();</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks a lot...</DIV><p><hr size=1><br>
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