Thanks for the quick response.   Do you know of a workaround that is being used for version 1_31.  All the examples say include "boost/regex.hpp".  Is there some way I can include the headers so the problem will go away.

What's really strange is that I compiled the entire library using the Jam method, and it I got these regex errors.  I then compiled the regex libraries using the gcc make file, and use the static libraries when I compiled.  It worked.

But after I made some more code changes (not regex changes) to my application and recompiled, I started getting the errors again.  I thought the gcc compilation fixed it, but it didn't.

Anyway, if you could tell me a workaround that would be great.  Is it just a matter of trying to include the regex.hpp header first before the regex.h header gets included, have other people seen this problem in the regex library?


-------------- Original message --------------

> > I am trying to use the regex library (regex_match in particular)
> > I included "boost/regex.hpp". I get the following errors when compiling
> > my code.
> > Can sme please shed some light on the problem. I am only using the
> > regex_match function. I create an expression object, and use regex_match
> > to match against it.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help.
> I suspect that you are including the platforms (possibly
> indirectly) before including . That currently causes
> conflicts: there is a fix in the works, but it involves a complete
> restructuring of Boost.Regex that won't be released until Boost-1.33 (that's
> the release after next).
> John.
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