We are having a problem that we have narrowed down to a problem with boost::threads on dual processor Macs.


The very same software works fine, with boost::threads, on a single processor Mac.  It also works fine with native Mac threads on a dual processor Mac.  The crash is repeatable though, as threaded programs are wont to do, it crashes in slightly different places each time.  The program does seem to crash during memory allocation.


            We have CodeWarrior 9 on its way to see if a compiler upgrade might address the problem, (there are some known problems with CodeWarrior 8 and threads, but only in debug builds… We see our crash in release builds as well).


            Our questions for the boost crew:

-Are there any known issues with boost::threads and multi-processor machines?

-Has boost::threads been tested on multi-processor machines?  On multi-processor Macs?



Compiler: CodeWarrior 8.3

Computer: Dual processor 1.8Ghz Macintosh G5

OS: MacOS X 10.3.6

Boost: v1.31



Stephen W. Carson, Software Engineer

DirXion Software in St. Louis, MO

(636) 717-2367

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." -Donald Knuth