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Subject: [ggl] proj4 transformer design approach
From: Barend Gehrels (barend)
Date: 2011-04-28 03:15:01
Hi Denis,
Thanks for your ideas, I'll come back to it soon.
Regards, Barend
Sent from iPad.
Barend Gehrels
Op 28 apr. 2011 om 00:37 heeft "Denis Kurilov" <denis_at_[hidden]> het volgende geschreven:
> Hello,
> I have recently found an information about upcoming release of GGL in Boost 1.47, it is
> great that now such a generic library will be available for public without an overhead that could
> be found, for example, in GEOS.
> However, I wonder about the approach that is used for design of geographic projections
> transformations extension. PROJ4 is widely used shared library, it is really not good to
> ?link it statically? (e.g. to use your code translation approach).
> I can imagine that the reasons are Boost policy for external libraries. But look, your translated
> PROJ4 code is header-based, it really hurts the compilation times. Another thing is that your
> translated proj4 does not handle grid transformations, it are vital for many local projections.
> The question is ? how do you think, will the following approach be more natural for users:
> - Leave proj4 as external shared library, do not translate anything;
> - Implement a projection transformation extension base as a part of a library;
> - Implement a proj4-based transformer (that is a thin wrapper around PROJ4) and
> put it into a library ?examples? folder.
> The same is applied to IO and indexing extensions. Users would be happy to use the SVG
> Library on their preference, as well as spatial index implementations.
> There is at least one library in Boost that have employed the same design decision at early stage,
> and now, after years of releases and bugfixes it is a nightmare to change anything in core.
> I mean boost::serialization and its ability to serialize into XML or binary. >From my experience,
> there are a lot of people who wants to link boost::serialization with, say, libxml2, or with
> Google Protocol Buffers, but the complexity of internal library design prevents them from
> doing it.
> Hope your library will employ a more flexible approach. The PROJ4 IMHO is a first priority in
> compare to IO and spatial indexing.
> Best regards,
> Denis Kurilov
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