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Subject: [ggl] Error with triangle cutting
From: Angus Johnson (awj1958)
Date: 2011-08-19 14:00:16

Hi Christoph.

I suspect your problem will go away if you 'close' the polygons or call
correct() to do this for you (and also check orientation).
I was also tripped up by this very recently

     vecs[0] = DVec(0.24806946917841693 ,26.015444246572663);
     vecs[1] = DVec(31.751930530821582 ,33.984555753427337);
     vecs[2] = DVec(32.248069469178418 ,30.015444246572663);
*vecs[3] = DVec(0.24806946917841693 ,26.015444246572663);*

     lP[0] = DVec(17.763942722600319, 32.236057277399681);
     lP[1] = DVec(19.192448808558737, 30.807551191441263);
     lP[2] = DVec(16.000000000000000, 30.000000000000000);
*lP[3] = DVec(17.763942722600319, 32.236057277399681); *

Can I suggest to Barend that it'd be helpful to automatically closed
polygons at least for the boolean polygon functions, or else raise an
error if they aren't.

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