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Subject: Re: [geometry] extensions
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-01-13 19:11:47

Hi Kris,

> Alas that will not happen for 1.49.
> The projections are quite usable, but the model of the Earth has
> still be harmonized mutually and with the Earth-distance-strategies.
> Oh. That makes sense, and interests me as well, because I'm currently
> deciding, where to use projections, and where the Andoyer/Vincenty
> distance will suffice.


> I hope it will be 1.50. Until then hope that Trunk will work fine
> for you.
> In that case I'm thinking of taking a snapshot of the boost/geometry
> directory from trunk, and adding it to my projects' include dirs
> before boost-1.48 itself. An reason this shouldn't work or suggestions
> for a better solution?

I think this will work but never tried it like this myself.
Boost.Geometry will then use other versions of the Boost libraries it
depends on, but I don't think that will give any problems, we're not
using the brand new features from other libs.

Regards, Barend

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