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Subject: Re: [geometry] geometry partition/spatial index
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-14 12:01:02

Andrii Sydorchuk wrote:
> Did you make any benchmarks of the spatial index? Just wanted to see
> some number to be aware of. I am planning to use it as a point location
> data structure for my Voronoi diagram implementation.

I've tested it on sparse random data only. You may run
/tests/additional_sizes_and_times.cpp on your machine if you like. On i7
2.94GHz, VS2010 and values of type

pair<box<point<double, 2, cartesian>>, size_t>

for linear creation algorithm with max=32, min=8 it takes 2.76s to
create the index of 1M values, 1.03s to perform 100k box intersection
queries and 0.26s to perform 10k nearest neighbor searches. For
quadratic creation algorithm times are 4.24s, 0.35s and 0.12s
respectively. I were using these tests to compare my implementation with
the old one. If you plan to compare it to other implementations or on
some real-life data please share results.

> Additional info you may find in the docs:
> <>
> BTW, your documentation is displayed as a raw HTML. I had the same
> issue. The reason is that you don't have MIME types properly configured
> Thus your html
> files are treated as text files by the server, you may check it using
> web sniffer:

Thanks for the info, I should be ok now.

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