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Subject: Re: [geometry] geometry partition/spatial index
From: Andrii Sydorchuk (sydorchuk.andriy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-15 06:28:38

> For 1M values:
> pair<box<point<double, 2, cartesian>>, size_t> ~ 65MB,
> For 500k values:
> pair<box<point<double, 2, cartesian>>, size_t> ~ 32MB.

Sounds pretty good, I was interested in those.

Btw, if you store points in some container with random access you may use
> plain indexes as rtree's values. This should probably produce smaller
> rtree. To do it you need to use translator::index<Container> instead of
> default one.

Good, will be aware of this.


Geometry list run by mateusz at