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Subject: Re: [geometry] Rtree changes
From: Mats Taraldsvik (mats.taraldsvik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-02-18 11:35:38
Hi Adam,
Your work is very appreciated, a proper rtree index is essential! :)
I haven't used rtree yet, unfortunately, so I apologise if the questions
are slightly off-topic:
- One of the key strenghts of Boost.Geometry, imho, is the ability to adapt
legacy interfaces, that can not be canged, and use them directly. Please
consider this when deciding on the interface (although I'm sure you already
- Will it be possible to use rtree queries on external (indexable) objects?
For example, if I have a rtree-indexed boundary, and a set of not-indexed
objects, and want to check if the objects intersect with my boundary.
Essentially a kind of prepared query like the PreparedGeometry in GEOS.
Mats Taraldsvik
On 18 Feb 2013 16:17, "Adam Wulkiewicz" <adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi,
> For those interested in the spatial index subject, I'd like to share some
> news about the rtree.
> We've relaxed rtree value_type requirements and simplified the interface.
> - It's allowed to store values without default ctor.
> - There is only one query() method/function and queried() adaptor. Nearest
> query is performed when nearest() predicate is passed to the query().
> Predicates may be connected by &&. It looks like this:
> using namespace boost::geometry::index;
> tree.query(box, out_it);
> tree.query(intersects(box1) && !within(box2), out_it);
> tree.query(nearest(pt, k) && intersects(box), out_it);
> tree.query(nearest(to_**centroid(pt), k) && intersects(box), out_it);
> Removed features:
> - nearest query returning one value.
> - distance predicates (i.e. bounded(), min_bounded(), max_bounded()), we'd
> like to design better alternative in the future.
> What do you think about the changes?
> Regards,
> Adam
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