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Subject: [geometry] [boost][tuple] move-enabled tuple (was: Move constructors for Tuple)
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-02-22 09:14:13


As I mentioned in the other thread I've implemented move-enabled version
of boost::tuple using Boost.Move. The code may be found here:

Below is the list of what I've implemented:

- tuples::cons copy and move ctor
- tuples::cons copy and move ctor taking tuples::cons<Other...>
- tuples::cons copy and move assignment
- tuples::cons copy and move assignment taking tuples::cons<Other...>
- tuples::cons copy and move assignment taking std::pair<...>
- tuple copy and move ctor
- tuple copy and move ctor taking tuple<Other...>
- tuple copy and move assignment
- tuple copy and move assignment taking tuple<Other...>
- tuple copy and move assignment taking tuples::cons<...>
- tuple copy and move assignment taking std::pair<...>

Check out the test/example:


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