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Subject: Re: [geometry] 3D box -> 3D multi_polygon conversion
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-06-11 13:40:25
Hi Tomislav,
On 11-6-2013 12:10, Tomislav Maric wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need some help with the convert algorithm.
> In the online documentation for the convert algorithm
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0_beta1/libs/geometry/doc/html/geometry/reference/algorithms/convert.html
> it is stated that
> "...a box can be converted to a ring, polygon or multi-polygon, but not
> vice versa."
OK so that statement is not complete, because a 2D
ring/polygon/multi-polygon is expected. I will adapt it.
> However, when I try to use the convert algorithm for a 3D box, it fails
> with the "not implemented" assertion.
So no, that does not work alas...
Our rings/polygons are 2D but they can have a third dimension (height).
However that third dimension is more a kind of offset-from-zero-level,
and not used for almost all algorithms up to now. So if you do an
intersection, that is done in 2D effectively.
Regards, Barend
Geometry list run by mateusz at loskot.net