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Geometry : |
Subject: Re: [geometry] Bug again in boost::geometry::union_
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-12 06:04:12
Hi Sybren,
Sybren A. Stüvel wrote On 12-2-2014 11:32:
> On 8 February 2014 13:39, Barend Gehrels <barend_at_[hidden]
> <mailto:barend_at_[hidden]>> wrote:
> welcome to the list.
> Thanks!
> If you need it that soon, you need to use my git-branch where
> these problems have been fixed. It is not completely ready so I
> hope everything will work for you. If not, please report it such
> that I can at least have a quick look (though Wednesday is soon of
> course).
> I've cloned your branch, but hit a snag. First, handle_tangencies.hpp
> needed a little change. I removed this line:
> #include <boost/geometry/policies/robustness/rescale.hpp>
> as in your last commit you split that file into three other files,
> which are (indirectly) included anyway on the next line, as it
> includes zoom_to_robust.hpp.
Sure - I did that yesterday evening. Indeed the handle_tangencies issue
was not yet solved and not submitted, sorry for the inconvenience. It is
fixed now.
Please check - I use gcc, I did not check yet on MSVC
> Now I get this error:
> c:\workspace\geometry\include\boost/geometry/policies/robustness/zoom_to_robust.hpp(425):
> error C2338: boost::is_same < typename geometry::tag<Point>::type,
> geometry::point_tag >::type::value
> c:\workspace\geometry\include\boost/geometry/policies/robustness/zoom_to_robust.hpp(433)
> : see reference to class template instantiation
> 'boost::geometry::rescale_policy_type<Point>' being compiled
> I get this error as soon as I #include something from Boost::Geometry;
> my test code consisted of the single line:
> #include <boost/geometry/algorithms/union.hpp>
> To make sure I'm using the code in your branch, I've renamed my
> .../dependencies/boost_1_55_0/boost/geometry directory to
> "geometry-moved-out-of-the-way", and added your branch at
> "c:/workspace/geometry/include" to the include file search paths.
> Thanks for any help you can give me.
So please update.
> PS: I see you live in Amsterdam, so do I, so perhaps there are easier
> ways to communicate than this list ;-)
OK - nice, that can be convenient indeed.
Success with your presentation.
Regards, Barend
Geometry list run by mateusz at loskot.net