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Geometry : |
Subject: Re: [geometry] Boost.Geometry models initializer_lists (was: Boost.Geometry models UDLs)
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-26 16:38:41
Barend Gehrels wrote:
> Adam Wulkiewicz wrote On 26-2-2014 19:37:
>> Barend Gehrels wrote:
>>> Bruno Lalande wrote On 24-2-2014 10:46:
>>>> Sorry for the late reaction. Good idea indeed. Not sure we need
>>>> Proto, given the limited number of operators will be using (just
>>>> one AFAICT). We should try without first. Also, Proto is a very
>>>> complex library and trying to manually do its job first is usually
>>>> a good way to understand it.
>>> Sure - I mentioned Proto just to spread the knowlegde of similar
>>> experimental UDL that I had done. Not really to advocate the usage,
>>> I agree it is complex.
>>> But besides that I think using chaining operators is a little more
>>> convenient, think of boost::tuple_list_of of Boost.Assign which is
>>> IMO more convenient to use than compile-time strings, and looks better.
>>> |"((1 0, 1 3, 3 3, 3 0, 1 0))"_ring
>>> vs.
>>> |ring_type ring = tuple_list_of(16, 1)(15,2)(14, 3)(13,4)(12,3.14)(1,6);
>>> Such things are easy to create (also without proto).
>> tuple_list_of() returns a vector of boost::tuples:
>> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/assign/doc/index.html#tuple_list_of
>> so in order to work the above ring_type should define a ctor to which
>> this list could be passed.
One remark to my own statement above. It's not true. tuple_list_of()
returns assign_detail::converter< assign_detail::generic_list<...> >
which can be casted to the arbitrary Container type. This type however
AFAIU must define a ctor taking a pair of iterators and store elements
copy constructable from boost::tuple<>.
> No, I did not mean to exactly, literally, use tuple_list_of . I meant:
> a solution "using chaing operators", like tuple_list_of. So just like
> your examples below.
Got it.
>> It could also look like that:
>> ring_type ring = make_geometry<ring_type>(16, 1)(15,2)(14,
>> 3)(13,4)(12,3.14)(1,6);
>> or:
>> ring_type ring;
>> fill_geometry(ring)(16, 1)(15,2)(14, 3)(13,4)(12,3.14)(1,6);
>> which requires only the Ring concept.
>> However I'm not sure if such functionality is needed in general.
>> There are rare situations when someone must define some complex
>> geometry in the code. Probably only in some (unit-)test, so mainly
>> for us. Or maybe I'm wrong?
>> If someone needed this kind of tool he'd need 10 lines of code for this.
> I don't think there is much need of. I just reacted on your message,
> because I don't think there is a need to have another string solution.
I agree, as far as this means "another string run-time solution" :).
Do you think that the support for C++11 initializer_list is needed (and
sufficient). It would probably look like this:
polygon_type polygon{ {{0, 0},{0, 10},{10, 10},{10, 0},{0, 0}} ,
{{1, 1},{2, 1},{2, 2},{1, 2},{1, 1}}};
or that we should also provide a chaining tool working in C++98? Which
could look like this:
polygon_type polygon = make_geometry<polygon_type>(
make_geometry<ring_type>(0, 0)(0, 10)(10, 10)(10, 0)(0, 0) )
make_geometry<ring_type>(1, 1)(2, 1)(2, 2)(1, 2)(1, 1) );
polygon_type polygon = make_geometry<polygon_type>(0, 0)(0, 10)(10,
10)(10, 0)(0, 0) ,
(1, 1)(2, 1)(2, 2)(1, 2)(1, 1);
Geometry list run by mateusz at loskot.net