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Subject: Re: [proto] user docs for advanced features
From: Fernando Pelliccioni (fpelliccioni_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-01-09 08:54:04
Hi Eric,
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Eric Niebler <eric_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Proto's users guide has been behind the times for a while. No longer.
> More recent and powerful features are now documented. Feedback welcome.
> Sub-domains:
> ============
> http://boost-sandbox.sourceforge.net/libs/proto/doc/html/boost_proto/users_guide/front_end/customizing_expressions_in_your_domain/subdomains.html
Is this sentence correct?
"In light of the above discussion about sub-domains, one could think of
proto::default_domain as a sub-domain of *every other domain*."
I think it should be:
"In light of the above discussion about sub-domains, one could think of
proto::default_domain as a super-domain of *every other domain*."
Proto list run by eric at boostpro.com