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Subject: Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-06-25 17:30:56

On 6/25/2012 12:21 PM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
> On 24/06/2012 01:10, Eric Niebler wrote:
>> As for what is not changing:
>> Grammars, Transforms and Algorithms
>> ===================================
>> It would be wonderful if there were a more natural syntax for describing
>> proto algorithms rather than with structs, function objects, proto::or_,
>> proto::when, and friends. If there is one, I haven't found it yet. On
>> the up side, it means that many current proto-based libraries can be
>> upgraded with little effort. On the down side, the learning curve will
>> still be pretty steep. If anybody has ideas for how to use C++11 to
>> simplify pattern matching and the definition of recursive tree
>> transformation algorithms, I'm all ears.
> There is a function which is very simple and that I found to be very
> useful when dealing with expression trees.
> unpack(e, f0, f1) which calls
> f0(f1(e.child0), f1(e.child1), ..., f1(e.childN))
> I can do recursion or not with the right f1, and I can 'unpack' an
> expression to an n-ary operation f0.
> Here f0 is typically a function that uses its own overloading-based
> dispatching mechanism.

OK, thanks for the suggestion. Where have you found this useful?

Along those lines, I've been thinking about adding a kind of transform
that gives an exploded view of an expression, kind of like what
evaluation contexts give you. If you tell me your use case, I can try to
make the new transform support it.

For the record, I'll be killing off evaluation contexts completely in

>> It needs clang trunk to compile.
> Why doesn't it work with GCC?

The big missing feature is ref qualifiers for member functions (n2439).
AFAIK, clang is the only compiler that has implemented it.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

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