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Subject: [proto] Joining Proto List
From: Fletcher, John P (j.p.fletcher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-08-17 05:08:51
Eric suggested that I join this list.
I have been working for some years on FC++ (the old web site died recently unfortunately but there is a link to it on http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FunctoidsInCpp ). I have extended it a lot and also worked on a version using concepts to do the return type analysis, so I was sad when concepts were dropped from C++11 and hope they come back soon.
I have linked FC++ and Boost Lambda in the past and was working on doing the same with Boost Phoenix when it became necessary to learn about Boost Proto as well. So here I am.
I have also been looking at some articles by Bartosz Milewski about the implementation of compile time Monads in C++, which seem to be related to Proto. I have had a look around here and not seen anything that obviously relates to that.
John Fletcher
Dr John P. Fletcher Tel: (44) 121 204 3389 (direct line), FAX: (44) 121 204 3678
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (CEAC),
formerly Associate Dean - External Relations,
School of Engineering and Applied Science (EAS),
Aston University, Aston Triangle, BIRMINGHAM B4 7ET U.K.
Proto list run by eric at boostpro.com