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Threads-Devel : |
From: Anthony Williams (anthony_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-01-30 06:57:36
Hi all,
I had a new thought about how to implement condition variables on win32 for
the boost C++ libraries, yesterday. This new approach allows the OS to choose
which thread is woken, which is a criticism people such as Chris Thomasson
have levied at my previous attempts. It also addresses one of the issues
frequently brought up by Alexander Terekhov with regards to condition variable
implementations --- destruction safety. It is thus perfectly OK to destroy the
cond var immediately after a broadcast, without waiting for the waiting
threads to wake.
POSIX semantics are supported for wait/notify --- only those threads waiting
at the time of the notify are woken. This is enabled by storing "generations"
of the internal state --- if the condition is been notified already at the
current generation when a new thread starts waiting, then a new generation is
Correctness on notify is achieved by using a Semaphore attached to each
generation, and a global semaphore. For notify_one, one thread is notified in
each waiting generation, and these then compete for the global semaphore. This
ensures that threads that start waiting after the notify begins are not woken,
and the OS can choose which thread from each generation to wake, and which of
the woken threads should return from wait(). The global semaphore could be
removed, but this would result in spurious wake-ups at the user level, rather
than internally.
By duplicating the semaphore handles into the waiting threads, we achieve
destruction-safety, since it is now safe to close the handles held in the cond
var, and the waiting threads do not access the internals of the cond var
again, except on spurious wake-ups.
Waits that timeout will result in spurious wakeups, but these should be mostly
trapped internally.
The code is below; any comments are welcome.
-- Anthony Williams Just Software Solutions Ltd - http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk Registered in England, Company Number 5478976. Registered Office: 15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL #ifndef CONDITION_HPP #define CONDITION_HPP #include "boost/config.hpp" #include "boost/thread/mutex.hpp" #include "boost/thread/win32/thread_primitives.hpp" #include "boost/thread/win32/xtime.hpp" #include "boost/thread/win32/xtime_utils.hpp" #include <limits.h> #include "boost/assert.hpp" #include <algorithm> namespace boost { class condition { typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock_type; boost::mutex internal_mutex; struct list_entry { detail::win32::handle semaphore; long count; bool notified; }; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,generation_count=10); list_entry generations[generation_count]; detail::win32::handle wake_sem; static bool no_waiters(list_entry const& entry) { return entry.count==0; } void shift_generations_down() { if(std::remove_if(generations,generations+generation_count,no_waiters)==generations+generation_count) { broadcast_entry(generations[generation_count-1]); } std::copy_backward(generations,generations+generation_count,generations+generation_count); generations[0].semaphore=0; generations[0].count=0; generations[0].notified=false; } void broadcast_entry(list_entry& entry) { detail::win32::ReleaseSemaphore(wake_sem,entry.count,NULL); detail::win32::ReleaseSemaphore(entry.semaphore,entry.count,NULL); entry.count=0; dispose_entry(entry); } void dispose_entry(list_entry& entry) { BOOST_ASSERT(entry.count==0); if(entry.semaphore) { unsigned long const close_result=detail::win32::CloseHandle(entry.semaphore); BOOST_ASSERT(close_result); } entry.semaphore=0; entry.notified=false; } detail::win32::handle duplicate_handle(detail::win32::handle source) { detail::win32::handle const current_process=detail::win32::GetCurrentProcess(); long const same_access_flag=2; detail::win32::handle new_handle=0; bool const success=detail::win32::DuplicateHandle(current_process,source,current_process,&new_handle,0,false,same_access_flag)!=0; BOOST_ASSERT(success); return new_handle; } bool do_wait(lock_type& lock,::boost::xtime const& target_time) { detail::win32::handle local_wake_sem; detail::win32::handle sem; bool first_loop=true; bool woken=false; while(!woken) { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock internal_lock(internal_mutex); if(first_loop) { lock.unlock(); if(!wake_sem) { wake_sem=detail::win32::create_anonymous_semaphore(0,LONG_MAX); BOOST_ASSERT(wake_sem); } local_wake_sem=duplicate_handle(wake_sem); if(generations[0].notified) { shift_generations_down(); } if(!generations[0].semaphore) { generations[0].semaphore=detail::win32::create_anonymous_semaphore(0,LONG_MAX); BOOST_ASSERT(generations[0].semaphore); } first_loop=false; } ++generations[0].count; sem=duplicate_handle(generations[0].semaphore); } unsigned long const notified=detail::win32::WaitForSingleObject(sem,::boost::detail::get_milliseconds_until_time(target_time)); BOOST_ASSERT(notified==detail::win32::timeout || notified==0); unsigned long const sem_close_result=detail::win32::CloseHandle(sem); BOOST_ASSERT(sem_close_result); if(notified==detail::win32::timeout) { break; } unsigned long const woken_result=detail::win32::WaitForSingleObject(local_wake_sem,0); BOOST_ASSERT(woken_result==detail::win32::timeout || woken_result==0); woken=(woken_result==0); } unsigned long const wake_sem_close_result=detail::win32::CloseHandle(local_wake_sem); BOOST_ASSERT(wake_sem_close_result); lock.lock(); return woken; } public: condition(): wake_sem(0) { for(unsigned i=0;i<generation_count;++i) { generations[i]=list_entry(); } } ~condition() { for(unsigned i=0;i<generation_count;++i) { dispose_entry(generations[i]); } detail::win32::CloseHandle(wake_sem); } void wait(lock_type& m) { do_wait(m,::boost::detail::get_xtime_sentinel()); } template<typename predicate_type> void wait(lock_type& m,predicate_type pred) { while(!pred()) wait(m); } bool timed_wait(lock_type& m,::boost::xtime const& target_time) { return do_wait(m,target_time); } template<typename predicate_type> bool timed_wait(lock_type& m,::boost::xtime const& target_time,predicate_type pred) { while (!pred()) { if (!timed_wait(m, xt)) return false; } return true; } void notify_one() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock internal_lock(internal_mutex); if(wake_sem) { OutputDebugString("notifying\n"); detail::win32::ReleaseSemaphore(wake_sem,1,NULL); for(unsigned generation=generation_count;generation!=0;--generation) { list_entry& entry=generations[generation-1]; if(entry.count) { entry.notified=true; detail::win32::ReleaseSemaphore(entry.semaphore,1,NULL); if(!--entry.count) { dispose_entry(entry); } } } } } void notify_all() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock internal_lock(internal_mutex); if(wake_sem) { for(unsigned generation=generation_count;generation!=0;--generation) { list_entry& entry=generations[generation-1]; if(entry.count) { broadcast_entry(entry); } } } } }; } #endif