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Subject: Re: [Threads-devel] Cleanup within dll
From: Rudi Lindl (rudi.lindl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-09-04 09:50:14
Thank you very much for your quick and your professional answer. You are
right. I am linking statically against boost.Thread.
I want to avoid using the dll Version so I already got a workaround:
i just use the DLL_THREAD_DETACH event within the DllMain function and call
the cleanup stuff manually if the thread_specific_ptr.get() != Null
this seems to work fine. Any objections?
Is there any FAQ for boost threads what works and what not? Something like
does and don`ts? I think this would be quite usefull both for beginners and
skilled people.
2008/9/4 Anthony Williams <anthony_at_[hidden]>
> At Thu 04 Sep 2008 13:50:20 BST, Rudi Lindl <rudi.lindl_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I have trouble with a clean up function within a dll.
> [snip code]
> But the cleanup funtion is not called. Any Idea?
>> If i move the myDllFuntion, void detach_thread funtion and the
>> declaration
>> of the boost::thread_specific_ptr<unsigned int>
>> current_thread_index(&detach_thread) from the dll to the file where the
>> main
>> funtions is defined everything works as expected.
> I'm going to make a stab in the dark and guess that you're linking
> statically against Boost.Thread from both the main app and the DLL? If so,
> then this is the reason: the DLL cannot hook the TLS cleanup into the
> boost::thread data structure from the main app, so the cleanup isn't called.
> If you *are* using the DLL version of Boost.Thread, then I'll have to
> investigate further.
> Anthony
> --
> Anthony Williams | Just Software Solutions Ltd
> Custom Software Development | http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
> Registered in England, Company Number 5478976.
> Registered Office: 15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL
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