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Subject: Re: [Threads-devel] shared_mutex strategy
From: Jérémy Coulon (jeremy.coulon_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-05-24 07:10:00
Please consider the following piece of code :
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <iostream>
boost::shared_mutex mux;
boost::mutex io_mux;
void msg(const char *str)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(io_mux);
std::cout << str << std::endl;
void share()
msg("shared - lock_shared acquired");
msg("shared - unlocking shared");
void unique()
msg("unique - try_lock");
while (!mux.try_lock())
msg("unique - try_lock");
msg("unique - acquired, unlocking");
int main()
boost::thread_group tg;
return 0;
The result is :
shared - lock_shared acquired
unique - try_lock
unique - try_lock
shared - lock_shared acquired
unique - try_lock
shared - unlocking shared
unique - try_lock
unique - try_lock
unique - try_lock
unique - try_lock
shared - unlocking shared
unique - try_lock
unique - acquired, unlocking
So, in that situation, I think the writer is starving !
Do you agree ?
Le 20/05/2010 23:14, Damien R. a écrit :
> On 05/20/2010 06:18 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
>> "Chris M. Thomasson" <cristom_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
>> news:ht1k6u$rde$1_at_dough.gmane.org...
>>> "Damien R" <damienrg+list_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
>>> news:4BF3A2C0.6010606_at_gmail.com...
>>>> Anthony Williams wrote:
>>>>> If a reader gets the lock first, then more readers will be allowed
>>>>> to get the lock until a waiting writer wakes and registers its
>>>>> intent.
>>>> Yes, so in the worst case, only one reader will be able to read
>>>> because
>>>> when the last reader unlocks the mutex, it notifies all waiters.
>>>> For eg:
>>>> ----
>> [...]
>>>> ----
>>>> Do you agree ?
>>> I have no time to make a proper response; sorry! Anyway...
>>> FWIW, I have created another "contention strategy" for an older
>>> read/write mutex algorithm of mine that totally eliminates any
>>> possible chance of starvation and is 100% fair.
>> [...]
>>> Here is some further context:
>>> http://relacy.pastebin.com/f3cab2025
>>> (the algorithm implemented in Relacy Race Detector)
>> [...]
>> Read all:
>> http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-threading-building-blocks/topic/65822
> Thanks for all these links and for introducing me to Relacy Race
> Detector. I will look closer at your code when I will be more familiar
> with Relacy Race Detector.
>> One more thing Damien... You mentioned that you only have a single
>> writer that seldom requests exclusive access. IMHO, you should try
>> experimenting with a simple distributed rw-mutex design. Here is some
>> pseudo-code:
>> _____________________________________________________________
>> struct thread
>> {
>> mutex m_mutex;
>> void read_lock()
>> {
>> m_mutex.lock();
>> }
>> void read_unlock()
>> {
>> m_mutex.unlock();
>> }
>> };
>> struct rwmutex
>> {
>> collection<thread*> m_threads;
>> mutex m_mutex;
>> void register(thread* t)
>> {
>> mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
>> m_threads.push(t);
>> }
>> void unregister(thread* t)
>> {
>> mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
>> m_threads.pop(t);
>> }
>> void write_lock()
>> {
>> m_mutex.lock();
>> for each thread in `m_threads' as i
>> {
>> i->read_lock();
>> }
>> }
>> void write_unlock()
>> {
>> for each thread in `m_threads' as i
>> {
>> i->read_unlock();
>> }
>> m_mutex.unlock();
>> }
>> };
>> _____________________________________________________________
>> This has some fairly decent scalability characteristics and,
>> registration aside for a moment, moves the heavy lifting to writers
>> which should be few and far between. IIRC, this type of lock is called a
>> `brlock' in Linux. One other thing... This design is extremely portable!
>> :^)
> I did not know it, I will take a look.
> Thanks you very much for these advices.
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> threads-devel_at_[hidden]
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