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Ublas :

From: Michael Stevens (mail_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-28 23:52:07

On Wednesday, 23. August 2006 04:17, Suneel Suresh wrote:
> hi gunter thanks for the response. i have never used boost so i am not
> really sure what exactly is wrong. but i have managed to find out
> exactly where the error occurs. When decalring an iterator for matrix
> row the error appears.


Sadly this is a problem with the VC2005 compiler! Not sure if they have/will
fix it. There is a work around which has already been commited into the code
for Boost 1_34_0

The workaround requires replacing the lines where the compiler flags errors.

Where there was
 const_iterator (const typename self_type::iterator &it):
you replace with
 const_iterator (const typename self_type::iterator &it): // ISSUE
self_type::stops VC8 using std::iterator here


Michael Stevens Systems Engineering
34128 Kassel, Germany
Phone/Fax: +49 561 5218038
Navigation Systems, Estimation  and
                 Bayesian Filtering