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From: Nico Galoppo (nico_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-03 09:58:04

Hi Sourabh,

I believe Gunther is trying to say that using unit_lower_tag() makes the
following call solve the system (I+A)Y=B

solve(A, B, unit_lower_tag());

So, for your case, if you fill A with -lembda, you will effectively solve

minuslembda = -lembda;
for (;;)
   solve(minuslembda, omega, unit_lower_tag());

It will be equivalent to the statement you gave below.


Sourabh wrote:
> Do you mean that I fill lembda with negative values and use this
> statement:
> solve (lembda, omega, unit_lower_tag ()) ?
> will it solve the equation treating lemda as (I+lembda)
> Will it be equivalent to the following statement ?
> lembda = I - lembda
> solve (lembda, omega, lower_tag ())

nico galoppo von borries     |  address: 119 fidelity st., carrboro
comp. graphics phd. student  |           north carolina, 27510 USA
UNC, chapel hill             |  phone: +1 (919) 962-1898 (office)
                              |         +1 (919) 942-4388 (home)
                              |  email: nico at cs dot unc dot edu
                              |  homepage: