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Ublas :

From: Manuel González Castro (iinmgc00_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-30 11:53:21

Hi Karl,

> Thanks for this contribution. I am planning to add it, but ...

I fixed an error in the function, the correct code (tested under gcc and
VC++ 7.1) is:

------------- start --------------

  // y <- x
  template < typename vector_type_x, typename vector_type_y >
  void copy(const vector_type_x &x, vector_type_y &y )
    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( is_same< typename traits::vector_traits<
vector_type_y >::value_type, typename traits::vector_traits<
vector_type_x >::value_type >::value ) ) ;
    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( is_same< typename vector_type_y::value_type,
typename vector_type_x::value_type >::value ) ) ;
    assert( traits::vector_size( x ) == traits::vector_size( y ) ) ;

    typedef typename vector_type_x::value_type value_type ;

    const int n = traits::vector_size( x ) ;
    const int stride_x = traits::vector_stride( x ) ;
    const int stride_y = traits::vector_stride( y ) ;
    const value_type *x_ptr = traits::vector_storage( x ) ;
    value_type *y_ptr = traits::vector_storage( y ) ;

    detail::copy( n, x_ptr, stride_x, y_ptr, stride_y ) ;

------------- end --------------

> I am also interested in seeing the performance difference
> between std::copy and blas::copy. I think many people on the
> list would be quite interested. Thanks!

I will post results in a few days.
