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Ublas :

From: Kresimir Fresl (fresl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-20 11:46:46

rokuingh_at_[hidden] wrote:

> [...] my compile line looks like this:
> g++ -o main main.cpp -I${BOOSTROOT}
> include -lf77blas -lcblas -ltstatlas -lptcblas -lptf77blas -llapack -latlas
> i read that the order that the -l are in makes a difference, [...]

my -l's are:

-llapack -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas -lg2c

LAPACK uses BLAS/Atlas functions. Therefore linker must first "read"
liblapack to find which functions from libblas or libatlas it must link.
