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From: Nico Galoppo (ngaloppo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-04 18:24:11
I'm currently computing the Kronecker tensor product of two matrices A
and B, both r-by-r to compute the Kronecker tensor product, i.e. in
matrix parlance:
C = A(:) * B(:)';
I'm currently doing this with BLAS and ublas in a way that I think is
pretty dangerous/hacky, but it was the only way I could come up with.
If anyone out there has better options, please let me know.
Note: I'm using Gunther's storage_adaptors.hpp to flatten the matrices
into a vector.
typedef ublas::matrix<real_type, ublas::column_major> matrix_type;
size_t r2 = r*r;
matrix_type A(r,r), B(r,r), C(r2,r2);
// tensor product C += A(:) * B(:)'
// FIXME: this is ugly! (assumes column_major)
ublas::vector<real_type> A_flat(
ublas::make_vector_from_pointer( r2, &(qiqj.data()[0]) ) );
ublas::vector<real_type> B_flat(
ublas::make_vector_from_pointer(r2, &(qk.data()[0]) ) );
atlas::gemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans,
1.0, A_flat, B_flat,
1.0, C);
-- Nico Galoppo :: http://www.ngaloppo.org